
Restaurant and bar

Restaurant and bar open till late

Business Services

Business Services

24 Hour Airport Shuttle Service

24 Hour Airport Shuttle Service

Leisure Facilities

Leisure Facilities

Luxury and Comfort

Luxury and Comfort

What Makes a Great Hotel?

Booking a hotel is often a matter of convenience, proximity to essential services, or recommendations from friends. When looking for a suitable hotel, finding the best place possible often involves researching the area, or viewing the pictures on the website to see if it would suit. However, when trying to find a really great hotel, there are some things which a potential guest can try in order to find the perfect place for them to stay: Read More

What Your Luggage is Saying About You

Airport luggage

Stansted Airport is very often chock full of people bustling about here and there, shopping, catching a quick pre-flight coffee, racing towards the gate before take-off and looking to see if their loved ones have arrived to collect them on time.

What do all of these travellers have in common – you’ve guessed it – luggage.

Some people are like Mary Poppins and can pack enough essentials for a two week holiday into a small holdall, others insist on taking everything except the kitchen sink with them just in case they need it. But never mind the contents of the luggage, what does the actual type of luggage you carry, roll or push say about you?

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Top European Tourist Destinations

European tourist destinations

Deciding where to take your next trip can depend upon many different things. Do you prefer the beach, the mountains, a city break or something different? Do you fancy going somewhere a little different this year?

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular European tourist destinations from Stansted Airport :

  • Barcelona – what’s so good about Barcelona? Everything, whether you’ve got a couple of days to spare or fancy a week gazing at the fabulous architecture with the Read More

Stuff to Do on the Way to Stansted Airport

getting to the airport

We’re all so busy rushing around these days, even the relatively simple journey to Stansted Airport can be fraught with stress – “are we going to make it on time?” – “are we nearly there yet?” – “why is this traffic moving so slowly – don’t they know we’ve got a plane to catch?”

Here’s a much better idea, why not start off your journey or holiday with a leisurely drive, take your time and enjoy some of the fabulous stuff to do on the way to the airport. Start your holiday a day earlier and take in some of the sights.

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What makes a great Stansted Hotel Room?

The room you stay in as a guest needs to meet your individual needs, for example if you are a business traveller then you will want a desk to work from perhaps, plenty of sockets and access to the internet. If you are a family then your needs will be different , but this aside there are some important aspects that make up a great room

First is cleanliness, there is nothing worse than staying in a hotel and there being visible signs that someone has been there before you. Yes, you know it’s a hotel but you don’t want to find a half used bar of soap or unwanted hair in the bathroom, or anyones rubbish in the bin. As far as possible you want to feel that it’s your room only, even if it is for a short period of time.

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Flying out from Stansted Airport

driving to stansted airport

When choosing an airport, you want one that will cater to your needs and has top notch support. So why not give Stansted Airport a try? Thousands of people pass through this airport each and every day.

History of Stansted Airport

  • Originally Stansted Airport was used as a bomber base during the second world war.
  • The facility has since been used as a prisoner of war camp and a training facility for aviators.
  • Years later it was finally turned into a civilian airport, allowing people to travel to and from the United States as well as many other destinations.

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